Reseller Middle East profiles executives across the vendor, distribution and systems integration communities, who have played a vital role in developing the channel industry and have made an impact on partners business. Challenging business environments demand innovative and resident strategies and we believe these personalities have triumphed despite testing times.
Years in the company: 16
Years in the IT channel business: 22
Company focus in 2017: To continue investing and innovating in the areas of fundamental customer service, certified technical skills, IT managed services and support, reseller channel enablement and demand generation programmes.
Key channel investments made over 2016: We have established Network Operation Centres (NOC) in Dubai and India to equip our reseller partners with the ability to offer professional services and managed services, om a 24×7 basis.
Your biggest achievement till date: To have inspired and established a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative under the banner, The Human-side of Technology (THOT), which has been successful in building a school for hundreds of children and adults in an impoverished remote village in Nepal. We have plans to replicate the model in other underprivileged areas in Asia and Africa.
What inspire you: The possibilities to create economic and social opportunities.